Updated 10/25/01
Installing Microsoft Outlook 2001 Mac
Installation of Microsoft 2001 for Macintosh is a drag-and-drop affair. You simply insert the CD into your Mac, double-click on the CD icon (see image at right), click on the Microsoft Outlook 2001 folder and drag it to the destination folder of your choice on your hard drive. 
When you launch Microsoft Outlook for the first time, it will install fonts, a control panel, some extensions and many help files.
Here is a list of the fonts installed:
- Arial
- Comic Sans MS
- Verdana
- Wingdings
Here is a list of the extensions installed:
- Microsoft Component Library
- Microsoft Internet Library
- Microsoft OLE Automation
- Microsoft OLE Library
- Microsoft RPC Runtime Library
- Microsoft Structured Storage
- The installer places an alias to the Outlook Settings application in your control panel folder. This allows you to set up profiles without having to log in. It also allows you to determine which is the default profile.
- In addition, the installer creates a file called "First Run Complete" in the "Outlook Files" folder of your Microsoft Outlook folder. You can delete this file if the program begins to act wierd and the self-healing portion of Outlook should re-install the components.
- When you create a profile, those settings will be stored in a folder called "Exchange Profiles" located in your Preferences folder. Exchange preferences are also stored in the Preferences folder.